06 September 2007

Speaking of Stephen Hawking, or, Another Funny Video

No blog about The Future is complete without "The Humans are Dead" by Flight of the Conchords.


Speaking of Stephen Hawking impressions...remember on Father Ted:

Dougal: It was like that time we put on that variety show and you did that impression of Stephen Hawking.

Ted:He was the last person you'd expect to turn up. That was a million to one shot.
In the future, Father Ted Crilly will be Pope.


Nathan P said...

Did that sound like a laugh track or what?

JacobG said...

In the future, our standards of funny will have risen exponentially, parallel to technological progress, and things that are hilarious now will be really lame, like the 3 stooges and blackface.

moonrose said...

are you saying that father ted will not withstand the test of time??

JacobG said...

Yes, but only because it's intended audience was ancient, under-evolved homo sapiens.

Carolyn said...

Alright then. I will have one Stephen Hawking with a beard implant please. Make that to go.