29 August 2007

"Smart Drugs"; take that, Mom.

So I've been reading about what you might call "Cognition Enhancing Drugs" or Nootropics. Let's get one thing out of the way: the person who came up with the scientific name "Nootropics" certainly wasn't using them. Thus, for the remainder of this post I will refer to Cognition Enhancing Drugs as CEDs solely because it reminds me of out of style shoe manufacturers (hard C).
Some examples of possibly useful CEDS are Choline, Acetyl L-Carnitine, and Nicotine (hmm) because they stimulate certain areas of the brain. In reply I purport that we are already effectively using CEDS every weekend. The source: Bourbon, Vodka, and PBR.
You see, in the future we will realize that promiscuous sex with strangers, booty-dancing, and drunk driving are at the core of a healthy, functioning society. Other examples of things we used to think were bad but now love include: freedom of speech, veggies, and black people. Thus I offer up alcohol as the most potentially viable current CED since, for most, it is required for the aforementioned activities that we very soon may suddenly discover as being totally advisable.
So my advice is to start boozin' because in the future you will be remembered as a visionary, ahead of your time, and an excellent dancer.


Studies prove that the future is close, and that the future is awesome. Welcome to "No Pinkies," a blog dedicated to the future. Within the data-encoded entries of this weblog we hope to bring to your attention things that could, and in our opinions, will happen--from album releases to transhumanism to alternative energy sources, basing our ideas on clever imaginings, hearsay, and science. If we could send you a blog from the future instead of the past, we would.

And, just for the record, I think we will always have pinkies. And pinky toes.